Open call for journalists to participate in media trips in 2023/24

The Pulse of Europe – Media Trips to EU project has issued a new Call for Proposals for journalists to participate in media trips that will be organised during 2023 and in first half of 2024. The Call will be open throughout that period.

As in the previous cycle of project implementation, the invitation is open to all media in Serbia - national, regional and local, electronic, print and online media - with the condition of compliance with the Code of Ethics (Code of Journalists of Serbia) and respect of professional and ethical standards.

The project organises group - thematic media trips that include a larger number of media, as well as individual trips where a journalist travels alone, with the logistical support of the project. Group media trips will be organised to EU member states, the Western Balkans countries as well as countries of the Eastern Partnership (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and Great Britain.

For logistical reasons, individual media trips will be organised only to EU member countries and the Western Balkans. Journalists who would like to participate in individual media trips should submit a proposal of the topic they would cover and its short synopsis, as well as obtain the permission of the newsroom, i.e. the competent editor to go on the trip.

The project will cover all the costs of travel and stay while abroad. Journalists are fully independent in their work.

The Pulse of Europe project started in February 2020 and by the end of 2022, it has organised 26 media trips (18 individual and 8 group trips) to 15 EU countries and one country in the region. As a result, 256 media reports were published in Serbian media, of which more than 6 hours of television and more than four hours of radio programmes. From 1 January the project began a new implementation cycle that would last until the end of May 2024.

The project is financed by the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut in cooperation with the Independent Journalists Association of Serbia and the Center for Cultural Decontamination.

Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09